Thomas Gagliano is a highly motivated successful entrepreneur with a proven track record in small business ventures. While working in the garment industry for the past 25 years, he carved out a leadership position for Quick Bias Binding Inc., a service company in Brooklyn. During that time, Tom also has been a high profile leader in addiction and self-help therapy. He has helped develop unique methods and procedures which have helped numerous institutions and individuals in the greater New York area. Having been featured as a keynote speaker at a number of meetings and conferences in New Jersey, Tom has become a regular on the speaking circuit. He added to his business ventures by entering into the real estate market in 2000. He purchased and developed Chazz Realty and also owns T.S. Binding, LLC, a consulting firm.
“The Problem Was Me“ hosted by Tom Gagliano, a best selling author and social worker will be discussing issues from negative childhood messages to relationships, to addiction and gambling. Join Tom every week with his candor and humility as he touches on these issues from his own personal experiences and helps listeners break the cycles of negative and addictive thinking.
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The podcast audio files are uploaded on iTunes, Google Podcasts and Stitcher weekly on Thursdays at 6am ET. The website is updated each time an episode goes live. You can subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcast and receive automatic notices when each new episode is available.
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